First XML document

Second XML document

How to compare XML Files?

Comparing two XML files semantically has never been easier:

  1. Fill the two editors with your XML files (copy-paste or browse to upload your files).
  2. Click the "Compare" button.
  3. The differences between the two files will be displayed in two editors, with clear formatting and highlighted changes.
    A summary of the differences is also displayed at the bottom, allowing you to quickly see the discrepancies at a glance.

Online XML comparison

At XMLable, we love the XML format! 😊 This format has many strengths, including its readability, and it’s still widely used today (although we won’t deny it’s on a slight decline).

Comparing XML files can be useful in many scenarios, such as checking the differences between two SOAP web service responses.

Finding differences in large XML files is no small feat. For instance, tags might not appear in the same order, making manual comparison challenging.

This online XML comparison tool is designed to address precisely that issue. It simplifies the process of detecting differences and allows you to quickly list them in a format that’s easy to analyze.

Even today, tools like this provide added value compared to AI solutions (which can have longer comparison and rendering times and may not always produce easily readable outputs).