Welcome to XMLable.com. BOIS Cyril (Siret : 79259869000016, 15 rue du quai de la Deûle 59520 Marquette-Lez-Lille France, contact@XMLable.com) provides features to you when you visit XMLable.com. Access to and use of XMLable.com Website are subject to the following conditions. By using XMLable.com, you agree to these conditions.

We may update XMLable.com at any time and without notice to you.

Last updated: December 18, 2024.


XMLable.com provides online tools for developers.

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By using XMLable.com, you agree that it is at your sole risk.

You are informed of internet risks, including data transfer issues, identity theft, service misuse, and unreliable service access.

The website XMLable.com can not be held responsible for these risks and their consequences.
You must take all appropriate measures to protect yours data.

The tools are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In no event XMLable.com and Cyril Bois shall holders be liable for any claim or damages.

XMLable.com does not guarantee the durability of the data entered in the various tools provided, at any time XMLable.com reserves the right to delete a tool.


Any total or partial reproduction of XMLable.com website without prior authorization is unlawful (Article L. 122-4 of the Code of Intellectual Property).

The hypertext links inserted on the XMLable.com website towards external resources on the internet does not incur liability of XMLable.com.

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In accordance with the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978, the information of nominative nature of the Internet users may be subject to automated processing.

The Internet users have a right of access, rectification and opposition concerning the data concerning them, according to the law January 6, 1978. In order to exercise this right, you can send an email: contact@XMLable.com

Cyril Bois is the Data Protection Officer. You can send him an email (contact@XMLable.com).


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Partial invalidity

The invalidity of one of the clauses of the present conditions of use can not entail the nullity of the whole of conditions of use.

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These Conditions of use are governed by the laws of France.

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