Options for XML from XSD
Root Element :

Choice :

How to generate an XML file from an XSD schema?

To generate an XML example from an XSD:

  • Import the XSD file: Populate the XSD editor with the content of your XML schema file, or use the Browse option to select a file from your computer.
  • Configure the configuration: Choose the root element (if multiple are available) and specify whether to include only the first element or all elements.
  • Start the conversion: Click the "XSD to XML" button.
  • Get the result: The generated XML file will automatically appear in the editor on the right.

XSD schema to XML converter

When working with XML streams or files, it is often necessary to associate them with an XSD schema to validate their format and immediately check if the stream is compliant. For example, in the context of SOAP web services (yes, they still exist ^^), an XSD schema helps, among other things, provide developers with the exact format of the payload to send (basically, it’s the bare minimum documentation one should have…).

This tool allows you to generate XML files from an XSD schema. Simple and quick. Note, however, that this tool is not perfect: it produces an XML file that approximately matches the XSD. It's up to you to adjust it to ensure compliance. The result is provided as is.